All Better Bags

Here is one of my latest projects.  While visiting family over the holidays, my sister-in-law shared with me what I considered a fabulous idea!  She had a little pouch filled with all of the "boo-boo" essentials that she kept in her purse.  I just had to make my own!  Of course, I had to come up with my own name (not wanting to steal someone else's), so I'm calling my version the "All Better Bag".

I plan to make a few more, and when I do, I will post the instructions if you want to try to tackle your own.  Inside my baggie, I've included various band-aids, some alcohol pads, a sterile pad, pain-relieving spray, and of course... a couple of suckers to help ease the pain.

These were quick to put together, and make great gifts for your mommy friends.  I'm thinking I may even whip up some to sell through my Sun Scholars Shop if you think this is too much for you to handle.

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