Girl Scouts This Week

This week my Brownie Girl Scouts were working on their Money Sense badge.  One of the activities we selected for this badge required the girls to participate in setting up a shop.  To make it more fun, I asked each of the girls to bring items from home that they no longer wanted.  They each set up their own store to sell their items to the others in our troop.

Each girl made a sign for her store.

The girls used tables to set up their stores, each taking a section to set up their display.
All of the items were marked with prices by the girls who brought them.  I asked that each girl's items totaled $20.

Awww... aren't they cute!
The girls were each given an envelope with $20 in pretend bills (in fives and ones).  After selecting a couple of items, they would go to the register (troop leader) and pay for their items.

The girls had to keep track of the money they were spending and decide what they could afford as they were shopping.  They also had to count out their money to pay for their items.

Here are the girls, looking through each of the shops.

The girls all had a great time shopping, and all got to take home some new things.  Much to my surprise, it was much calmer than I had feared it might be.  Another great meeting, and a happy group of girls.

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