Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Box Cake

Ever thought to make a cake out of your favorite chocolate chip cookies?

Check this out....

My inspiration...
at Martha Stewart

Isn't it awesome??
When I saw this, I knew I HAD to make one for myself.  With a fun little twist that is.

This was SOOOO simple to put together.
Directions are included at Martha Stewart's site
I'm adding my version below.

- About 9 dozen Chocolate Chip Cookies (I added some Smarties/M&M's to mine for more color)
- 4 Cups Heavy (Whipping) Cream
- 8oz Mascarpone Cheese
- 2 Tbsp Sugar
- Food Coloring
- Sprinkles/Chocolate Shavings/Candy for Garnish

1) Whip 3 cups of heavy cream with the mascarpone cheese and 2 tbsp of sugar until you get peaks.

2)  Lay cookies down on a large plate or platter to form your first layer.  I used 9 cookies per layer, as shown below.

3)  I scooped out 1 cup of my whipped cream mixture into a separate bowl for each layer, and tinted it with food coloring.  For the first layer, I tried to get a light purple.. as you see in the image above.  Be careful not to over whip your cream with the food coloring.  I tried folding the color in so not to lose the consistency of the whipped cream.

Spread the tinted whip cream over your cookie layer.  I found it worked best to spoon the cream onto each cookie on the outside layer and spread it towards the center, so that the colored cream left a nice presentation on the outside of the cookie cake.

4) Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have about 9 layers of cookies (ending with a layer of cookies).  I tinted each layer of whip cream to make a rainbow... purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, red, and white.  Afterwards, I had wished I started with a pink layer of whip cream then went to purple so I didn't end with white... but I was still happy with the results.

And here it is all layered ...

5)  Cover with plastic wrap and place in the fridge until you are ready to serve.

6)  To serve, whip up the last cup of cream (I added a little sugar to mine).  Pile the whipped cream on top, and add the garnish of your choice.

.... ready for it??

 We used it to celebrate three little summer birthday girls.

And after it was attacked with the knife...

Yeah, one GIANT chocolate chip cookie... basically.

After letting it sit in the fridge with the whip cream layers, the cookies soften up to where you can cut it like a cake.


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