Notebook Paper Tote

Thinking about Back-to-School??

This might be the perfect gift for a teacher that you know...
My children and I made these as part of our end of the year teacher gifts this year.  Inside, we included a Summer Checklists they created and a little package of goodies.  As a Back-to-School gift, you might include some school supplies (for teacher, of course), some snacks to keep in her desk drawer, or other items of that sort.

I am thrilled with how these turned out!

My inspiration...
The Paper Bag by The Crafty CPA
Ok... I LOVE this bag...  I just needed to simplify this a bit.
For one... I didn't have the time.  Two... I wanted the kids to play a part in creating it.

The best part is, I made these for less than $4 a piece!

-  Canvas Bag, white (I found this 3 pack at JoAnn's for $9.99 and used a 50% off coupon)
-  Sharpies in Blue & Red, fine tipped
-  Needle & Embroidery Floss, #414 (OR... you could use a grey Sharpie)
-  Pencil
-  Ruler

1)  Use a ruler to make lines about 1/2" apart with the blue Sharpie.  I started my lines 3" from the top of the bag.  

2)  Using your red Sharpie, draw a line down the length of your bag, as you see me measuring in the photo below, about 3" from the left of your bag.

And this is what you'll have...

3)   I found that the lid of the Sharpie was the perfect size for the notepaper "holes".  You can use this as a stamp by coloring the edge with a washable marker, place your "hole" and go over it with a grey sharpie if you wish.  I did this with one bag (as you'll notice in the main photo) but decided not to with the others.

4)  Using a pencil, I had my children write their teacher's name in large lettering. 

My 3 year old struggles with writing names still, so I asked her to draw a picture of her teachers instead.
I thought these turned out SO adorable!

5)  How crafty are you?  I chose to embroider my children's pencil lines to finish these off nicely.  If this is not your thing, you could go over your child's pencil lines with a grey Sharpie, or let them write or draw with the Sharpie in the first place.  (I would recommend the pencil first... just to be on the safe side.)

**  I'd also recommend tossing these in the dryer to heat set them.  That way if they ever need to be washed, your lines will stay in tact.

 And here is an up close shot of a finished bag.   Totally adorable, right?

What teacher wouldn't love that?!

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