Parenting Tips, Tricks & Inspirations

Don't call me an expert on parenting!  I can't seem to get my kids to listen to me any better then person next to me.  However, there are SO many great resources out there to help us parents out.  I've found many great ideas on other blogs and lots of things I think I would like to incorporate into my own parenting.

So here is a list of
Parenting Tips, Tricks & Ideas
that have inspired me....

I hope you find something that inspires you too!

I'd love to hang this on the wall...

"Rules" (free printable)
at Sweet Blessings

This is so clever! 
Give your child THIS to focus on and they will calm down during their "time out".
I'd recommend a calming color, such as this blue... purple or green would be good too.
at Creative Little Daisy

I've tried other reward systems, but I love this idea!
at Counting Coconuts

What a great way to divide up the chores and keep it simple!
Chore Chart for Multiple Children
at How Does She?

Are you crafty?  I love this Chore Chart.  There is also an ice cream cone version.

Hamburger Chore Chart Tutorial
at Childmade

This is an easy Chore System that I put together.
The kids love it because they choose their own chores each day.

Chore Cards (free printable)
right here at Sun Scholars

Great idea!!!

Good Deed Cards (free printable)
at Eighteen25

Are my kids the only ones that fight in the car?

Kid Clips for Road Trips
at Less-Than-Perfect Life of Bliss

After being a parent for a while now,
I think this article has some great advice on discipline!

Quirky Discipline Rules that Work

You'd think at least one of my children was raised by a pack of wolves!
I love these ideas on teaching manners.

Teaching Manners and Etiquette to the Little People
at Moore Minutes

Got monsters under the bed?  In closets?  You need to be prepared!

Monster Spray
at Happy Go Lucky

The Mystery Item.... FABULOUS idea!!!

Great Ideas on Getting Your Kids to Work
from Family Volley shared at The Idea Room

Great resource for making sure your kids are eating healthy snacks!

The 50 Best Snacks for Your Child's Backpack

 I love the idea of grab and go snack boxes.  Check out these great ideas!
Snack container veggies
Grab-n-Go Snack Stashes
at Real Simple

Busy Bags have been a MUST have since our kids were little.
Take them anywhere you have to WAIT to entertain the kids.  They are perfect when we go out to eat.  Check out the awesome ideas shared at this Busy Bag Link Party!

Toddler Busy Bag Activities
at My Delicious Ambiguity

More Grab-n-Go Bags... these are mommy's survival kits.
Clear, zipper, baggie, storage, organize, label, declutter
Mom's On the Go Bags
at Better Homes & Gardens

Perhaps a great way to keep kids on track in the morning?
Checklist Place Mat
Checklist Place Mat (free printable)
at FamilyFun

Great to have on hand if you know a kid that has "I'm bored!" in their vocabulary.

Mom, I'm Bored Jar
from Somewhat Simple shared at Skip to my Lou

Busy Boxes... a great way to entertain kids at home when things are getting hairy, you need time to cook dinner or visit with a friend... or just for a special treat.
at Playing House

I'm digging the visual lunch box ideas here.  Is packing a fun lunch each day really this easy?  I feel like such a slacker in this department now!
Turkey and cheese roll ups on a multigrain tortilla, pretzel rods, chedder bunnies, strawberries and raisins. Thanks to Amanda of lunchbox limbo for this one!
at Easy Lunch Boxes Photo Gallery

.... in case you wanted more lunch ideas.
at To the Moon and Back

Ooooh, I love this!  I think I may have to take this challenge.
at iMom

There you have it...
More reasons to show the world why you're a Super Mom!

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