Sausage Dog Marionette

I have another fabulous blog to share with you today... 
Red Ted Art
If you are ever in need of simple, fun, crafty ideas for the little people in your life, this is the place to go!  Maggy at Red Ted Art is always sharing amazing ideas, and posting fantastic collections with kid-friendly themes.  This blog is a great resource, and one that you must check out!  Better yet, she hosts a weekly Kids Get Crafty Link Party every Wednesday.

Some of my personal favorites over at
Red Ted Art...


1) How to Make Story Cubes   2) 5 Little Ducks Went Swimming One Day
3) Fabric Mache Bowl How To                     4) Quick & Easy Paper Lantern


Hello! I am Maggy from Red Ted Art. I am so pleased to be here Guest Posting for Sun Scholars! I have been regularly visiting Sun Scholars over the past year and linking up to Rachel's fabulous kids craft link up parties, so I am pleased to be here and sharing one of my crafts with you! I love getting crafty with my young children - and although they are not always old enough to make all our kids crafts we have fun making them TOGETHER.

I think that sometimes this is what crafting is about: sometimes you let your child's creativity run riot, other times, it is a join team effort - time to sit together and bond and then play with your crafts!

Today, I am showing your our Sausage Dog Loo Roll Marionette! We love marionettes over at our house, especially those that you can make with recycled and nature's materials - we already made Giraffes and some Autumn Birds.

Materials: one kitchen towel roll (or two loo rolls stuck togther, by pushing on into the other), one loo roll, paint, twigs, googly eyes, glue, string, chestnuts (or similar), scissors

1) Paint your loo rolls the desired colour. We went for black!
2) Shape your dog's head - cut 4 slits about 2/3s of the way down, then squeeze them together so that they overlap as in the picture shown. Add some glue and hold in place with an elastic band or piece of string - mind that you don't glue the band on by accident!
3) Trim a little off the long roll to make the ears - cut ear shapes and glue onto the head. Add googly eyes.
4) Add the feet and tail. We managed to pierce our chestnuts with our scissors, but you may need a metal skewer. Make sure an adult does this. Make holes in the long roll - one for the tail (a twig) and 4 for the chestnut feet. Thread one piece of string through the first chestnut, through the body and then through the 2nd chestnut. If you can't find chestnuts - how about some acorns? or maybe some shells or stones? As to the tail - we "just stuck" ours into the hole and add lots of glue to secure it a little.

5) Attach the head with one piece of string running through the head.
6) Make the "marionette" hand piece out of two twigs tied together.
7) Assemble and play! Hooray!
I do hope you like our little fella! And that you have a go at making one yourself... I am now off to finish of a red doggy and a rainbow doggy... we painted lots in step 1).
Hope to see you over at Red Ted Art sometime too!

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