Santa Cookies

Ok... hold onto your hats my friends.
I have actually MADE something that I am sharing WITH YOU!!!

I've been wanting to make some iced sugar cookies for Christmas, and I realized that I didn't bring any of my holiday cookie cutters with us to China.  :(  So I was stuck using a cup to make boring, old circles.  I had seen THIS great idea which I used as my inspiration.  Of course, I had to add my own special twist.

This is what I came up with....

Aren't they cute?!

I had to improvise a lot here.  I used a ziploc bag to pipe my frosting, and made the "black" for the belt using loads of blue and red food coloring.  In the end, I think they turned out pretty cute.

The Best Rolled Sugar Cookies Recipe
THIS is the sugar cookie recipe I always use, and love!

Sugar Cookie Icing Recipe
and THIS is the awesome icing recipe I use and love.

Happy Baking & Happy Holidays!!

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